Equal opportunity

All contributions would receive equal opportunity to be rewarded fairly based on the value they provide.


All contributions would receive equal opportunity to be rewarded fairly based on the value they provide.

Equal opportunity for contributors within an organisation

Under contributionism, contributions are invited, measured and fairly rewarded. Labour contributions can be used to determine the long term ownership and governance of an organisation. All contributions made within an organisation would be evaluated to determine what the fair value is for those contributions. This evaluation helps to determine what is fair as an immediate reward for those contributions. The full value and impact of a contribution is often not fully known until later in the organisation's development. Reflection on historical contributions is an ongoing process that helps to identify the contributions that have made impact over multiple years. Giving people that contribute incentive and governance rights means there is a stronger alignment with rewarding people that actually contribute towards an organisation. Each contributor would have some influence in the organisation to initiate and vote on decisions and be fairly rewarded for the contributions they have made.

Equal opportunity for creating new organisations

Individuals would also have equal opportunity to start their own organisation and receive the reward from any success of that organisation. New organisations that adopt contributionist principles would result in an environment where any contributor that joins the organisation would be entitled to a fair reward for their contributions.

Proportionally rewarding contributions as the default

An economic model that is truly focussed on equal opportunity is one that ensures that all contributions are fairly rewarded. To align the incentives with everyone wanting to make meaningful contributions it is important that all of the people that contribute are proportionally rewarded for the value of their contributions. If performant contributors are always rewarded for their efforts this aligns the incentives for these contributors to continue working in these types of organisations. When contributors are only partially rewarded or not rewarded at all there is an immediate incentive for these contributors to identify other opportunities that would better respect and reward their contribution efforts. Proportional rewards based on the value of peoples contributions is the default suggested incentive structure within a contributionist organisation.

Alternative contribution reward approaches

Not every group of contributors will prioritise or value the importance of proportional rewards based on the value of each person's contributions. This approach could be ideal for more competitive and high growth environments however this outcome may not be as important for other contributors within different types of organisation. Some contributors may be more interested in the community aspect or the work life balance aspect of an organisation. Contributors could collectively agree on any incentive arrangement that they prefer when operating their organisation. Under contributionism, the main outcome that should be achieved is that contributions should be fairly respected in a way that is collectively agreed. An organisation will need to determine how they want to ensure that contributions are respected and fairly rewarded.

Reduction of class inequality

Contributionism seeks to reduce class inequality by providing truly equal opportunity for all individuals. Contributors should be compensated fairly based on the value of their contributions. Contributionism removes the two class system found in capitalism where contributions are disconnected from incentive rights. Contributionism removes this two tier structure and emphasises the importance of fairly rewarding all contributions. Inequality can still exist within contributionism however this would mostly be achieved due differences in contribution between people and differences in the value and impact that each person's contributions are generating.

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